Product Development

All Requtech products are designed based on the vision of creating extremely robust solutions with flexibility, configurability, and versatility.


Since the start in 2009 and with a core team with a solid engineering background our focus has always been to keep researching in depth to be at the forefront of communications technology.

Requtech is continuously in cooperation with research universities and the European space agency.


Our philosophy allows customers to meet their needs through built-in tailorability.

Requtech works closely with its customers throughout the product development process to ensure that Requtech is designing products that customers want to use.  


All Requtech products are designed for manufacturing as part of the product development process. Requtech works closely with its CEM partners to ensure the latest production techniques can be used to ensure the customer receives the best product with the best quality.

Both Requtech itself and its CEMS are ISO certified.  

How can we help you? Contact us to find out more!

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